Complete the sentences with the underlined words. To send, country, expensive, age, subject.

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1. Complete the sentences with the underlined words. To send, country, expensive, age, subject.
1.      My favorite subject at school was Mathematics.
2.      Restaurants are too expensive for students.
2. Write the last three letters in each word.
1.      a sandwich and a cup of coffee between proper meals – snack.
2.      a place where people go to have meals – canteen.
3. Put down the missing words.
1.      I know her for a long time - she lives in Baker St. 22.
4.      Choose the right form of the verb in brackets.
1.      Do you work long hours?
2.      What are their names?
5.      Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb.
1.      Thank you for the explanation – now I understand you better.
2.      I study now, please call me later.
6.      Put the words in the correct order.
7.      Read the text. Mark if the statements below are true or false (41-45)
8.      Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

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